Meet, meet on the way, meet and pass, come after to get, meet the newborn (foods, year, person). iwštáymašaaš ‘he’s coming to meet me’; áwštaymašaaš ‘I’m going to meet him’; patáwštaymaša ‘they’re meeting him’; iwštáymaša čɨ́mtina waníčtna ‘he is greeting the new name’; áwštaymataaš waníčtna čɨ́nči ‘I will greet the name with this’; ana kú áwštaymata ‘when we’ll meet them’; patáwštaymaša ‘they’re meeting the new year’; kunam kʷaaná áwštaymata ‘and you will meet that one’; kutaš wínata áwštaymata naamína pátna ‘and we will go meet our elder sister’; čáw iwá łq̓íwit anam kú áwštaymata naamína čɨ́mtina tkʷátatna ‘it’s not a game when you meet our new food’; pamáwšuwaša wɨštáymat naamína pátna ‘they are getting themselves ready to meet our older sister’; ku iwačá pápšx̣uyit ana kú wínš ku tílaaki pápawiyawštaymana ‘and it was the wedding trade when the man and the woman meet one another in the way’; íštapa iwštaymáta ‘she will go after her son’; wiyáwštayma ‘meet on the way’; k̓ʷałanawštáyma ‘be glad to meet, receive ceremonially’; láwštayma ‘compete for the kick stick in the stick game’; níyawštayma ‘reciprocate with money to one who is receiving a name and from whom a gift has been received’; tk̓ʷáwštayma ‘meet someone walking the other way’; wiyáwštayma ‘meet on the way’. [NE wɨštúun; NP /wéwkuni/.]