
Feed (animals). paˀicímayca k̓úsi ‘he fed his horse’; músmuscɨnma icímaytsa c̓íc̓k ‘he is feeding his cattle hay’; áwicimaycɨnk k̓úsina c̓íc̓k ‘feed the horse hay!’; áwicimayctanam ɨwínatna ku k̓úsimaaman ku músmuscɨnmaaman ‘you should feed the cervids and horses and cattle’; icímaytsa k̓usik̓úsi ‘he is feeding his dog’; icímayca k̓usik̓úsi ‘he fed his dog’; páˀicimaytsa k̓úsimaaman ‘he is feeding the horses’; paˀicímayca k̓úsimaaman ‘they fed the horses’; icímaycɨnk k̓usik̓úsi ‘feed your dog!’; áwicimayctanam ílukyaw ‘you’ll feed them (the ghosts, by tossing food) into the fire (and that way they won’t bother you – see čáč̓wik)’. [WS icímac; NE icímak; NW yacímak; NP /k´wyek/.]