With the hand. wapác̓ɨmk ‘touch a sharp object’; wapák̓ɨnk ‘block with the hand’; wapák̓tk ‘knead, make into dough’; wápalayk ’cause to forget, distract’; wapáanakʷ ‘shoot back’; wapáni ‘hand out’; wapáša ‘touch, feel’; wapášnawi ‘look for by groping with the hands’; wapáata ‘help’; wapáƛ̓ič ‘kill with the hand’; wapáwq̓x̣ ‘choke’; wapáwx̣in ‘release, let go’; wapáx̣ɨmk ‘crumble with the hand’. [NP /wepé-/.]
Word of the Day
As spoken by a group of elders in the early 1980s when thinking about putting their language to writing.
The words and sentences in this dictionary are mostly the contribution of Twáway, otherwise known of as Inez Spino Reves. Twáway has never flinched from working with linguists, and her command of the “old language” with all its intricacies of grammar and vocabulary is second to none. Other Umatilla contributors are Charley McKay, Donald Joe, Emily Littlefish, Fred Hill, Joan Watlamet, Mildred Quaempts, and Thomas Morning Owl. Animal and plant identifications were much aided by botanist Dave Corliss (personal communication) and by Eugene Hunn (1979, 1990).