Carry ashore. ku inákpyutšana awx̣ɨ́t ‘and he was taking his fishnet ashore’; nč̓ína ílukasna panákpyučɨnx̣ama wásasay anítay ‘they used to bring a big log ashore for making a canoe’. [NW nákpyuk; NP /ˀnáktq̓i/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Carry ashore. ku inákpyutšana awx̣ɨ́t ‘and he was taking his fishnet ashore’; nč̓ína ílukasna panákpyučɨnx̣ama wásasay anítay ‘they used to bring a big log ashore for making a canoe’. [NW nákpyuk; NP /ˀnáktq̓i/.]