
Place, set, put, stand upright. Individuative object. pátukɨnk c̓x̣úuy ‘set up the tepee!’; ápatukɨnk tkʷátatna ‘set out the food!’; papátukɨnx̣ana k̓ʷáalk ‘they used to set up the long tent’; papátuka pšwá ‘they set up a stone (as a headstone in a graveyard)’; čáwpam mún átkʷatata háaˀay iwáta pátuki ‘you should never eat until it is set’; ku awínšma pamáwipatkʷɨnx̣ana mɨx̣ɨ́ški ‘and men would dot themselves with yellow (along the sides of their hair)’; tápatuk ‘fish with a set net’; pátukš ‘post, flagpole’. For distributive object see ptúk. [NP /ˀpelikéce/.]