Respect, show respect, act graceful, be circumspect, have selfrespect. miyánašma patmáyta nč̓ínč̓imaaman ‘children should respect the elders’; átmaytapam wiyanawiłáaman ‘you should respect the guests’; átmaytapam čɨ́mtina tkʷátatna ‘you should respect the new food’; átmaytanam ‘you will honor him’; patmáyna paaná ‘they honored him’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷnɨmš sínɨm itmáyša ‘everybody respects me’; itmáynayišaaš pšɨ́t ‘he is showing my father respect’; aš kú paamanáy átmaynayiša wáwnakʷšaš ‘when I respect their [the roots’] bodies’; tmáynanakʷ ‘rebury’; tmáyni ‘respected’. Broken: tmaˀáy ‘quiet, modest, serene’. [Y tmáak.]