Dress, wear, put on finery. ku tiičámna páwapawax̣a pɨnmikíin ‘and she [the celery] clothes the land with herself’; ana k̓ʷapɨ́n pináwapawaša wɨ́nptay waníčtay ‘the aforementioned who is dressing himself for getting the name’; pamáwapawax̣ana tpɨ́špa ‘they used to adorn their faces’; pamáwapawax̣ana táatpaski wiyáytiki ‘they dressed up with shell dresses’; pamášuwaša pamáwapawatyaw ‘they are getting ready to dress up’; náwapawa ‘work (as a twáti) with the hands while singing’; wapáwani ‘dressed up’. [NE wapúun; NP /wepelíkn/; /sapásm̓qi/.]