apí ‘fish with a net, fish with a dipnet’; íšɨmlaytk ‘sein fish’; q̓iyák ‘fish with gaff hook’; sapáƛupwaalata ‘fish with a fixed net at a fish jumping place’; sapáwaalata ‘rope fish at a waterfall’; sapáx̣aluun ‘catch fish at a fish weir’; šapáˀax̣č ‘fish with a bone choker’; táp ‘spear fish by torchlight’; tápatuk ‘fish with a set net’; tápwalkʷ ‘fish by torch light’; twálaytq̓i ‘fish or poke out of water, dip or rope fish’; twáƛ̓mx̣ʷk ‘rope fish (with quick movement) in shallow rapids’; wac̓ílak ‘fish with hook and line’; wáwaalaytk̓i ‘catch on fishing line and throw out’; wáwaaq̓iyak ‘snag fish’.