
táyma ‘hurl, hit, strike’; tkʷáyta ‘throw a spear’; wɨx̣ín ‘throw away’; ánakʷ ‘throw back’; áwšnič ‘throw down a mat’; čípši ‘throw up, vomit’; k̓áatn ‘throw away; shave’; tamác̓aˀk ‘throw on top’; tamác̓ɨmk ‘throw a sharp object’; tamálatx̣ ‘throw into fire’; tamalúun ‘throw into water’; tamáamuyn ‘throw up on shore (such as driftwood)’; tamánuun ‘throw into water’; tamátx̣ ‘throw into fire’; tamáwaalata ‘throw basketball through hoop’; tamáwaalatx̣ ‘throw into fire’; tamáwaalawak ‘throw into the back of a room’; tamáwaaluuk ‘throw up in the air, throw a basketball’; tamáwaanaynač ‘throw inside’; tamáwaanayt ‘throw out’; tamáwaaničanwi ‘throw down’; tamáwaapni ‘throw out, display’; tamáwaatux̣ ‘throw back’; tamáwaawayč ‘throw across’; tamáwaax̣aap ‘throw under’; tamáx̣ɨlp ‘throw open (as the flap of a tepee)’; tamáwaax̣ʷaami ‘throw upward, juggle’; tamáwna ‘throw over, drape over’; tamáwšp ‘knock unconscious by throwing a rock’; tamáynač ‘throw inside’; tkʷáywaalatx̣ ‘throw wood on fire’; tkʷáywaalatx̣tux̣ ‘throw wood back into the fire’; wax̣íč ‘throw down, pile’; wiyák̓aatn ‘throw away, rid of sickness’; wiyátamawaaluuk ‘throw up in the air while walking along’.