1,421 term are adjectives


Ground, ground up. wák̓ʷɨlki nɨkʷɨ́t ‘hamburger’.


Tied up. iƛ̓úna waláq̓ikina ‘he guessed the tied up one (in the stick game)’; walák̓iki łkmá ‘the stickgame bone with the mark’.


Hobbled. waláyxʷtki iwá k̓úsi ‘the horse is hobbled’; waláyxʷtki k̓úsi ‘hobbled horse’.


Common, ordinary, traditional, old fashioned, plain. walím ɨłq̓ám ‘common shoe’; walimwɨłq̓ám ‘plain moccasin’ (not beaded); walímtkʷsay ‘tin ware, granite ware vessel’. [NP /walím-/.]


Unwanted, rejected, thrown away, discarded (as to marriage, eating with, companion with). wałáni iwá ‘he is unwanted’; yanwáy iwá wałáni miyánaš ‘the abandoned child is pitiful’; wałáni tkʷátat ‘unwanted food’; wałáni miyánaš ‘abandoned child’.


Invisible. Said of window glass, clear plastic, see through gauze. [NP /heknéy̓/.]


Pertaining to the river. ku paˀílax̣yawix̣ana tkʷátat wanapamá ‘and they used to dry their river food’.


Named, designated, appointed, priced. tún waníči iwá ‘what is it named?’; tún iwá waníči áswan ‘what is “boy” called?’; mɨ́łkin iwá waníči ‘is it worth it?’; mɨ́łkin iwátax̣na waníči ‘what would it cost?’; ana k̓ʷapɨ́n iwá waníči lúukš ‘she who is named luuksh‘; ku pawáta wášatiyi ana mɨ́ł iwá waníči x̣ax̣áykʷ ‘and they will be paid however much it costs’; ana pɨ́n iwá waníči wíwnu ‘she who is named huckleberry’; ana tún iwá tkʷátat waníči naamí ku iwá k̓ʷáy áwtni ‘anything that is the named food then that is tabooed’; ana mún iwáta waníči łk̓ʷí ‘whenever the day will be named’; ana tuntún iwá x̣nít túnx̣ wíwaniči ‘things which are differently named roots’; ana k̓ʷapɨ́n iwá waníči tkʷátat naamí ‘the aforementioned which is our named food’; kúušx̣i iwá ttɨ́x̣š waníči płɨ́x̣ ‘in the same way the willow is a named medicine’; ku ana kú iwiyáwat̓uyix̣a waníči latítlatit ‘and when the named celery takes the lead’; ana k̓ʷapɨ́n iwá waníči Q̓mɨ́ł ‘that which is named Rock Creek’; k̓ʷáy iwá płɨ́x̣ čalúkš waníči ‘that is the medicine named chalúksh‘; k̓ʷapɨ́n iwačá čáw tún waníči tiičám ‘the aforementioned was not any named land’; anam kú pánita inmíyaw tiičámyaw mɨ́ł iwá waníči kunam wɨ́npta ‘when you give me for my land how much it is priced then you will buy’; tkʷátat ana k̓ʷapɨ́n pawá tunx̣túnx̣ wíwaniči ‘foods which are differently named’. [NE wanikí; [NW waníki; NP weˀnikíin /weˀnikiˀins/.]


Sung (of medicine song). anam kú kʷyáam wáta wánpi ‘and truly you will be medicine sung’; ana mún iwáta wánpi ‘whenever he will be sung’; anam kú kʷyáam wáta wánpi kunam áwtta ƛ̓áax̣ʷna túna ‘when truly you will be sung then you will taboo everything’; ku kʷaaní pawínax̣ana ana pmáy pawačá wánpi ‘and they who were sung would go in that direction’; ana kú iwá čɨ́mti wánpi ku kʷaaná patákutkutɨnx̣a ‘when there is a new one sung they work that one’.



Woven, knitted.


  1. wáp̓ani iwá wápas ‘it is a woven bag’.

See more:

[NE čanuwiyí; NP /ken̓wiins/.]


Braided. paˀaníx̣ana šaptpamá wápšani ‘they used to make braided pack ropes’. [NP /wepsésiˀns/.]


Dressed up, outfitted. wapáwani k̓úsi ‘decorated horse’. [NE wapuuní; NP /wepelíkniˀns/; /sapásm̓qiˀns/.]


Ornery, prone to violence. pawá maykwapčáy čikúuk kátkaatma ku pt̓ilíma ‘boys and girls are more prone to violence today’.


Washed. wáp̓iki táatpas ‘washed clothes’. [NE wap̓ikí; NP /wap̓´ykiˀns/.]


Wasteful. wapnátɨmt p̓ísx ikʷíya tkʷátat ‘wastefully the food got sour’.


Intelligent, wise, smart, skilled. iwačá wapsúx Spilyáy ku pakúuk iwačá paláy ‘Coyote was smart and sometimes he was stupid’; áwnaš wapsúxk̓a wá ‘I’m smart now’; wapsúxma awínšma ‘wise men’. [NP /wepcúk/.]


Left, left side. nɨwítkni pawá awínšma ku pawá tílaakima wákacalkni ana kú paˀášɨnx̣a k̓ʷáalkyaw ‘the men are on the right and the women are on the left when they go in the longhouse’; ku awínšma pawɨ́šayčɨnx̣ana nawítkni ku tílaakima wáqacalkni ‘and the men would stay on the right and the woman on the left’; waqacálkan wiyásklikɨnk ‘turn toward the left!’; tílaakima wákacalkni ‘women on the left’; wáqacal apáp ‘left hand’; waqacalknipamá apáp ‘left hand’; nɨwítkan ku wáqacalkan ‘toward the right and toward the left’. [Y wákacal; NP /c´ky̓ak/, /wépsiley/.]


Staked down. wáquuki c̓x̣úuy ‘staked down tepee’.


Alive, awake. áx̣ʷaynaš wá wáq̓iš ‘I am still alive’; kʷíyayišanam wáq̓iš ‘you owe me’; aníya wáq̓iš ‘he got into debt’; wáq̓iškiš wɨ́npa ‘I charged, went into debt’; ana šín tanán aníta wáq̓iš ku áwa pɨnmíin wášatitay ‘any person who will get into debt, he has to pay his own’; wáq̓iškiš wɨ́npa k̓úsi ‘I got my horse on credit’. [NP /waq̓is/; from /wáqn/ ‘wake up’ plus attributive /-ˀis/; cf. WS wáaq ‘awaken’ (participle).]


Bareback (on a horse). iwášaša wasɨmc̓aakí ‘he is riding bareback’. [NP /sapoˀsaapoˀsnót/.]