
Beautiful, wonderful. Some say it is not appropriate to apply this term to human personal appearance. kʷyáamna wá ayáyat naamí aniłanmí čí ƛ̓áax̣ʷ walptáykaš ‘truly we have all these beautiful songs of our Creator’; ana kú pamáwšuwaša ayáyat láqayx̣iyi wáwnakʷšaš ‘when the beautiful brightened bodies [of the roots] are getting themselves ready’; ayáyatnaš wá wɨšaaníkt ‘my treasure is beautiful’; ku áwa ayáyat pɨnmíin tún ‘and he had something beautiful’; ayáyatnam kú ‘you’ve done beautifully, congradulations’; ayáyat x̣ašta áwača ‘maybe theirs was beautiful’; ayáyatnaš áykna walptáykašna káatnampa ‘I heard a beautiful song at the long house’; ayáyat yíkt naamí miyánaš ana kú pamásapsik̓ʷasa naamí sɨ́nwit ‘beautiful to hear our children when they are teaching themselves our language’; k̓ʷáy iwačá ayáyat k̓usik̓úsi ‘that was the beautiful dog’; áx̣twaynaaš wínšna Wánapamkni kutaš ayáyat pápasamx̣nana ‘I met a man from Wanapam and we talked to each other wonderfully’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷ iwáta ayáyat q̓ínupa ‘all will be beautiful to see’; ayáyatki sɨ́nwitki ‘with beautiful words’; atáaˀayayat ‘dazzlingly beautiful’; ayáyat wapáwat ‘a beautiful outfit’; ayáyat q̓ínupa ‘beautiful in appearance’. [NP /sayq̓ic/; /ˀéy̓ic/.]