Bite. ičánpaaš xliwisánɨm ‘the ant bit me’; páčanpa k̓usik̓úsiyin ‘the dog bit him’; áwisx̣ɨx̣naas kuš ičánpa ‘I made him mad and he bit me’; capacanpáwas ‘bridle’; šapačanptpamá ‘pliers’; sapacanpáwas ‘horse bit’. [NP /keˀnp/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Bite. ičánpaaš xliwisánɨm ‘the ant bit me’; páčanpa k̓usik̓úsiyin ‘the dog bit him’; áwisx̣ɨx̣naas kuš ičánpa ‘I made him mad and he bit me’; capacanpáwas ‘bridle’; šapačanptpamá ‘pliers’; sapacanpáwas ‘horse bit’. [NP /keˀnp/.]