
Kill. wawúkiyana íƛ̓iyawiya ‘he killed a bull elk’; ku aw kú páx̣atipa wáwtuktpa íƛ̓iyawiya ‘and then on the fifth day he killed [his game]’; kúušx̣i ana pɨ́n iwá wináanakʷi tilaakinmíki ku čáw itkʷáynpta ača kú čáw čáw íƛ̓iyawita túna ‘in the same way he who is left by his woman (i.e., she died) should not go hunting because he will not kill anything’; ana kʷná ipápaˀiƛ̓iyawix̣ana ‘where they used to battle’. [NW also íyatna; NP /wápcy̓awn/.]