Tire out, bother. áwiłikšanam ‘you are bothering them’; čáw áwiłikɨnk ‘don’t bother them!’; páˀiłika kʷná Wax̣púšpalin ánč̓a ‘the Paiute bothered them again’; áwna aw kú íłikɨn Wax̣púšpalnɨm ‘now then the Paiute has bothered us’.
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Tire out, bother. áwiłikšanam ‘you are bothering them’; čáw áwiłikɨnk ‘don’t bother them!’; páˀiłika kʷná Wax̣púšpalin ánč̓a ‘the Paiute bothered them again’; áwna aw kú íłikɨn Wax̣púšpalnɨm ‘now then the Paiute has bothered us’.