Keep company with the bereaved. íyawtičaaš ‘she kept me company’; paˀíyawtitšaaš ‘they are keeping me company’; napiinítaš áwiyawtitšana ‘the two of us were keeping her company’; čwáwˀiyawtič ‘share the table’. [N íyawtik; NP /ˀnék̓nik/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Keep company with the bereaved. íyawtičaaš ‘she kept me company’; paˀíyawtitšaaš ‘they are keeping me company’; napiinítaš áwiyawtitšana ‘the two of us were keeping her company’; čwáwˀiyawtič ‘share the table’. [N íyawtik; NP /ˀnék̓nik/.]