From there, from that place. kʷnamáan áwača pɨnmíin pšɨ́t ku pčá ‘her father and mother were from there’; kʷnamáašta wá inmí ttáwax̣t ‘my genealogy is from there’. [NE kʷnamá; NW kʷnamánk; NP konamá /kʷnamá/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
From there, from that place. kʷnamáan áwača pɨnmíin pšɨ́t ku pčá ‘her father and mother were from there’; kʷnamáašta wá inmí ttáwax̣t ‘my genealogy is from there’. [NE kʷnamá; NW kʷnamánk; NP konamá /kʷnamá/.]