Feast first, feast on the new foot. pakáˀuyiša núsuxna ‘they are feasting on the new salmon (the spring run)’; ana kʷná pakáˀuyiša x̣nítna ‘where they are feasting first on the roots’; anam kú pakáˀuyiyayita tux̣ʷɨ́nat ‘when they feast first on your shooting’; máysx pakáˀuyita núsux ‘they’ll eat the first salmon tomorrow’; k̓ʷáy pawá pínapt tkʷátat ana kʷaaná ákaˀuyix̣a ‘those are the four foods which we feast first’; patákaˀuyiyayiša ‘they’re having a feast for him (a young person who has just made a first kill, first root digging, first berry picking)’; patákaˀuyiyayiša yáamaš ‘they’re feasting on his first deer’; ana kú patákaˀuyiyayiya paanáy čɨ́mti tux̣ʷɨ́nat ku iwá šúkʷani tkʷaynpłá ‘when they feasted his new shooting then the hunter is known’; ku kúušx̣i patákaˀuyiyayix̣a čɨ́mti x̣nít miyánašna ku iwá šúkʷani x̣niłá ‘and in the same way they feast the child’s new roots and the root digger is known’. [WS sapálwi; NP /kéˀuyi/.]