Eat up, devour. ikáƛ̓x̣ʷa tkʷátat ‘he devoured his food’; ákaƛ̓x̣ʷɨnk ‘finish it!’; ku ƛ̓áax̣ʷ ikáƛ̓x̣ʷšana c̓íc̓k kʷná c̓áac̓aa ‘and it ate up all the grass close by’. [NE kálaˀamk; NP /kál̓amk/; cf. CR kálaamk ‘be hungry for fruit’.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Eat up, devour. ikáƛ̓x̣ʷa tkʷátat ‘he devoured his food’; ákaƛ̓x̣ʷɨnk ‘finish it!’; ku ƛ̓áax̣ʷ ikáƛ̓x̣ʷšana c̓íc̓k kʷná c̓áac̓aa ‘and it ate up all the grass close by’. [NE kálaˀamk; NP /kál̓amk/; cf. CR kálaamk ‘be hungry for fruit’.]