Perspire, sweat. Also láatna. iláatlaša ‘he is perspiring’; ílapatna iláatlaša ‘he is sweating bullets’; išapálaatlašaaš ‘he is making me sweat’. [NP /mxʷlín/; S is possibly NW átna ‘die’ plus lá- ‘in heat, light, etc.’.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Perspire, sweat. Also láatna. iláatlaša ‘he is perspiring’; ílapatna iláatlaša ‘he is sweating bullets’; išapálaatlašaaš ‘he is making me sweat’. [NP /mxʷlín/; S is possibly NW átna ‘die’ plus lá- ‘in heat, light, etc.’.]