
Five. With human classifier. pawačá páx̣naw Huuliyáyma x̣áyma ‘there were five wind brothers’; páx̣naw pawačá t̓íx̣t̓ix̣ma ‘there were five swallow sisters’; pyax̣í x̣áwš lúukš ku tmɨ́š ku wíwnu pawá páx̣naw ƛ̓áksma ku kʷná áwa pyáp čúuš ‘bitterroot, cous, biscuit root and chokecherry and huckleberry are the five sisters and there is their brother the water’; ku aw kú áwšayča páx̣naw tílaakima pɨnmíin ‘and then he came to have five wives’; páx̣naw ttmáyma ‘five maidens’. [NP /páx̣loo/