Loose, untied. q̓ʷɨ́ƛmaš wá wɨłq̓ám ‘your shoes are untied’; čáq̓ʷƛk ‘loosen’. Ablaut: q̓ʷáaƛ ‘loose, free, untied’. Related sound symbolically to kʷɨ́ƛ̓, qʷɨ́č, qʷɨ́ƛ, q̓ʷɨ́c, xʷɨ́l, x̣ʷɨ́ł, etc. [WS q̓ʷɨ́ƛni.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Loose, untied. q̓ʷɨ́ƛmaš wá wɨłq̓ám ‘your shoes are untied’; čáq̓ʷƛk ‘loosen’. Ablaut: q̓ʷáaƛ ‘loose, free, untied’. Related sound symbolically to kʷɨ́ƛ̓, qʷɨ́č, qʷɨ́ƛ, q̓ʷɨ́c, xʷɨ́l, x̣ʷɨ́ł, etc. [WS q̓ʷɨ́ƛni.]