Around, in a circle. sɨ́kli iwá ‘it is round, it is in a circle’; sɨ́kli ikú ‘he has turned around quickly’; sɨ́kli ɨníitpa ‘around the house’. [NW sklí; cf. NP ciklíin /ckl´yn-t/ ‘going home’.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Around, in a circle. sɨ́kli iwá ‘it is round, it is in a circle’; sɨ́kli ikú ‘he has turned around quickly’; sɨ́kli ɨníitpa ‘around the house’. [NW sklí; cf. NP ciklíin /ckl´yn-t/ ‘going home’.]