Tangled. šɨ́tk iwá ‘it is tangled up’; nɨkáštk ‘tie’; tamáštk ‘rope, lasso’; wástk ‘halter (a horse)’; wáaštk ‘entangle’; wiyáštk ‘tangle’. Ablaut: šáatk ‘brushy, thicket, tangle’. [NP /stk/ ~ /stk/ (bound roots); cf. also NP /wíststn/ ‘lace’.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Tangled. šɨ́tk iwá ‘it is tangled up’; nɨkáštk ‘tie’; tamáštk ‘rope, lasso’; wástk ‘halter (a horse)’; wáaštk ‘entangle’; wiyáštk ‘tangle’. Ablaut: šáatk ‘brushy, thicket, tangle’. [NP /stk/ ~ /stk/ (bound roots); cf. also NP /wíststn/ ‘lace’.]