Talk to, advise, counsel, caution. kúušnaš inmínɨm pišišnɨm isámx̣nax̣ana ‘thusly my aunt used to talk to me’; níix̣kiš ásamx̣nax̣ana inmímaaman miyánašmaaman ‘with good [intentions] I would talk to my children’; x̣áynaš yáx̣ɨn pápasamx̣nax̣aataš naamíki sɨ́nwitki ‘I have found a friend, we talk to one another in our language’; ku kʷaaná patásamx̣nax̣ana ‘and that one they used to advise’; iwáatɨnx̣ana ku túwin pásamx̣nax̣ana ‘one would seek a power and something would speak to him’; isámx̣nayišanam miyánašma ‘she is cautioning your children’. [NP /ten̓we/.]