Examine, study. ana tún páyax̣ša ku máan pášapawinayiša ana kʷná patásaptamalilx̣a ‘whatever he is finding he is sending wherever they study it’; isáptamalilnaaš ‘he examined me’; ana kʷná patásaptamalilx̣a ‘where they study them’.
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Examine, study. ana tún páyax̣ša ku máan pášapawinayiša ana kʷná patásaptamalilx̣a ‘whatever he is finding he is sending wherever they study it’; isáptamalilnaaš ‘he examined me’; ana kʷná patásaptamalilx̣a ‘where they study them’.