
Turn, turn over, return, circle. isklíša ‘it is turning’; isklína ‘it turned’; sklíšaaš ‘I am going around’; sklítaaš ‘I will walk around’; áwna áskliša wáašna ‘now we are going around the sacred ground’; áw pawiyánawi ku pasklíta pawɨ́npayitana apáp ‘now they have arrived and they will go around, they will shake our hands’; mítiš áskliša k̓ʷáalkna ‘I am circling the longhouse inside’; ámčniš áskliša k̓ʷáalkna ‘I am circling the longhouse inside’; amúywaasklik ‘swirl’ (of water); náksklik ‘carry around’; sapásklik ‘turn over’; tamásklik ‘turn over’; tk̓ʷásklik ‘turn around walking’; twáwaasklik ‘stir around’; wáltasklik ‘walk in a circle’; wáqʷatusklisklin ‘have the head down while looking around’; wáasklik ‘go around, spin’; wátyasklik ‘dance around’; wiyásklik ‘turn around’; sɨ́kli ‘around, in a circle’. Ablaut: sáakli ‘around, spread around’. [NE sclín; NP /ckl´yn/.]