
Skin, butcher; do surgery. išúwaša ‘he is skinning’; ášuwak wawúkyaan ‘skin the elk!’; ášuwak apɨ́x̣kni ‘skin him from his hide!’; ášwak núsuxna ‘cut up the salmon!’; ášuwak wawúkyana ‘skin the elk!’; ášuwak apɨ́x̣ki ‘take him from the hide!’; yáamašna išúwana ‘he skinned and/or cut up a deer’; išúwaša k̓súyasna ‘he is cutting eels’; patásapsik̓ʷanx̣a šúwat naknúwit nɨkʷɨ́tna ‘they teach them to butcher, to take care of the meat’; šúwašaaš anítay swís ‘I am butchering for making salmon fillets’; pašúwayiya q̓ɨ́mkas ‘they did surgery on her shoulder’; šúwatnaq̓i ‘finish skinning, butchering’. [NE ɨšúwa; NP /ˀs´wen/.]