

Want, wish to do something.


Desiderative. Attach to verbs. Modern speakers of Umatilla usually use -t̓at̓a


  1. As -t̓a:
    1. čúut̓a ‘be thirsty’;
    2. tkʷátat̓a ‘want to eat’;
    3. wɨšát̓a ‘want to lie down’;
    4. -pát̓a ‘desire, crave’. As -at̓a: ík̓aywakat̓a ‘want to outdo’;
    5. wáyčat̓a ‘go look for’;
    6. wɨ́npat̓a ‘want to cross’;
    7. wɨšáyčat̓a ‘want to stay’. With stem final n deleted: łúukat̓a ‘need to urinate’;
    8. q̓ínwat̓a ‘want to see’;
    9. šúkʷayat̓a ‘want to learn’;
    10. tíitat̓a ‘want to flatulate’;
    11. wɨx̣íyat̓a ‘want to lie down’.
    12. ku kʷyáam pašúkʷayat̓aša sɨ́nwit naamí ‘and truly they went to learn our language’;
    13. ku kʷaaná panáktux̣ʷat̓ašamš ‘and they want to bring that back’;
    14. pápaˀik̓aywakat̓ana ‘they wanted to outdo each other’;
    15. ku kʷná pawámšita ana šíman kʷná pawšáyčat̓ata ‘and whoever will want to stay there will buy on credit’;
  2. As -tat̓a:
    1. anítat̓a ‘want to make’;
    2. wínatat̓a ‘want to go’;
    3. x̣nítat̓a ‘want to dig’.
    4. ataš tún anítat̓aša ‘anything that we want to make’;
    5. ana kʷná patáˀanitat̓aša níit ‘where they are wanting to build the house’;
    6. ana túntya áw paˀanítat̓ax̣ana ‘whatever now they would want to make’;
    7. ana kʷɨ́nki paˀanítat̓aša tún ‘with that which they are wanting to make something’.
    8. paˀiƛ̓iyawitát̓ana kʷɨ́nik̓a ‘they wanted to kill them next on that side’;

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[NP /-ˀpécwi/; cf. NP prospective /-tet̓e/ ‘be about to’.]