Cover up, cover over (as with a blanket, canvas, tarp). patamáƛ̓ɨmx̣ʷa miyánašna útpaski ‘they covered the child with the blanket’; itamáƛ̓ɨmux̣a ílukasna lisáaki ‘he covered the wood up with a tarp’; ku útpaski patáwitamaƛ̓mx̣ʷɨnx̣a ‘and they cover each with blankets’; kʷaana waničtna patátamaƛ̓mx̣ʷɨnx̣a ‘they cover up that name (with blankets at a naming ceremony)’; iwáatamaƛ̓ɨmx̣ʷa ‘she covered it up for a while’; tamáƛ̓ɨmux̣i ‘covered’. [Y tamáƛ̓umx̣; NP /híkteˀk/.]