Wash away (of rain). átamasikatam ‘wash them away!’ (what Coyote would say to the rain to scare his feces children); pátamasika t̓úx̣t̓ux̣in ‘the rain washed them away’; tamasíktamaš ‘I’m going to wash you away’ (as the rain might say).
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Wash away (of rain). átamasikatam ‘wash them away!’ (what Coyote would say to the rain to scare his feces children); pátamasika t̓úx̣t̓ux̣in ‘the rain washed them away’; tamasíktamaš ‘I’m going to wash you away’ (as the rain might say).