
Write, mark, draw, brand, sign. áwna átimayišana sɨ́nwit ku k̓ʷapɨ́n paˀititámata ‘now we were writing their language and that they will read’; itímayišanam imanáy ‘he is marking yours’; patímaša k̓úsina ‘they are branding the horse’; áwnam tímata ƛ̓áax̣ʷ k̓úsi kunam čáw ánč̓a mún šínɨm ipáx̣ʷita ‘you should brand all your horses and no one will ever steal (them) again’; ku pawítimana k̓úsi ‘and they branded each of their horses’; pšwápa patímax̣ana míimi ‘they used to write on rocks long ago’; tímatak ‘go sign (the document)!’; tímatašaaš ‘I’m going in order to sign’; čalútima ‘design a basket, make a pattern’; twátima ‘mark, etch’; tímaš ‘paper, book’; tímat ‘marking, design’. [NP /tím̓en/.]