Marked, written. k̓ʷáymatašta kú wáta tímani apam kú čɨ́ni wínata ‘that of yours will be written when you go from here’; tímani pšwá ‘rock marking’; tímani tiičám ‘Indian reservation’. [NE timaní; NP /tím̓eniˀns/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Marked, written. k̓ʷáymatašta kú wáta tímani apam kú čɨ́ni wínata ‘that of yours will be written when you go from here’; tímani pšwá ‘rock marking’; tímani tiičám ‘Indian reservation’. [NE timaní; NP /tím̓eniˀns/.]