
Roll or twist dogbane, spin. itknína taxʷɨ́s ‘she rolled the dogbane’; itkníin ‘he has rolled (dogbane)’; itkníša taxʷɨ́s ‘she is rolling the dogbane’; patknínx̣ana kʷaaná taxʷɨ́sna anítay tamastkáwas ‘they used to roll that dogbane in order to make rope’; patknínx̣ana taxʷɨ́s táamapa ‘they would twist the dogbane on their thigh’; watx̣ɨ́nam ímč̓a tkníša tkʷsáy ‘are you making a basket too?’; patkníša wápasay ‘they are spinning for (making) bags’; q̓úx̣łpa patkníša taxʷɨ́sna ‘they are spinning dogbane on their laps’; ítknik ‘pay back’; sáptklik ‘twist tules’; tkníni ‘twisted, rolled’. [NP /t´xʷi/; cf. NP /tkl´yn/ ‘exchange, trade’.]