
Point, point at with the hand or finger. itúskna níitna ‘he pointed at the house’; túskɨnk šwá ‘point at your forehead!’; patátuskɨnx̣ana ‘they would point at him’; itúskšaaš ‘he is pointing at me’; itúsksana čaaná tímašna ‘he was pointing at this paper’; čáwnam túskta ‘you shouldn’t point’; ku aw kú patúskna ana kúuš wapsúxtx̣aw áwača K̓amáyaqɨn ‘and then they appointed (him) as their most wise was Kamaiakin’; tuskáwas ‘index finger’; tusktpamá ‘index finger’. [NP /tkʷépkeˀeyk/.]