To be ready, make ready, prepare.
- áw iwšúwaša ‘now he is getting ready’
- kuna kúušx̣i áwšuwanx̣a ‘and in the same way we get him ready’
- kunam áwšuwata tananwítki ‘and you should get them ready in the Indian way’
- kúušx̣inata ku áwšuwanawaša ‘in the same way then we get ready for her’
- kutaš áwšuwayita paanáy wáwnakʷšaš pačwáywityaw ‘and we will get her body ready for Sunday’
- pináwšuwank ‘get yourself ready!’
- kúuš pináwšuwana pɨnmikíin qqaanáytki ‘thusly she got herself ready with her work’
- tkʷátat pináwšuwaša čná tiičámpa ‘the food is getting itself ready in this land’
- pináwšuwanx̣a pɨnmíin wáwnakʷšaš ku kúuk apɨ́łapł áwatɨnx̣a ‘its [the tree’s] body readies itself and then its leaves go out’
- áw pamáwšuwaša ‘they’re getting themselves ready now’
- kutaš íkʷɨn pamáwšuwašana ‘and for that we were getting ourselves ready’
- kúušx̣itaš áwtni pamáwšuwanx̣a ‘in the same tabooed way we get ourselves ready’
- pyax̣í pináwšuwašamš naamíyaw ‘the bitterroot is getting itself ready for us’
- pináwšuwaša walptáyktyaw ‘he is getting himself ready to sing’
- pináwšuwanx̣a ánɨmiyaw anmíwityaw ‘it gets itself ready to pass into winter’
- pamáwšuwaša wɨštáymat naamína pátna ‘they are getting themselves ready to meet our older sister’
- pamáwšuwanx̣ana támayčt k̓ʷɨ́nčna ‘they would get themselves ready to barbecue the pine lichen’
- pamáwšuwaša káˀuyityaw ‘they are getting themselves ready for the root feast’
- ku kúuk pamáwšuwanx̣a wánptyaw ‘and then they get themselves ready to sing’
- ana pmáy pamáwšuwaša x̣nítatyaw ‘they who are getting themselves ready to go root digging’
- ana kú pamáwšuwanx̣ana káˀuyityaw ‘when they would get themselves ready for the feast’
- ana kú pamáwšuwanx̣ana nč̓íyaw wáašatyaw túyaw ‘when they would get themselves ready for some big dance’
- ana kú pinátamasklikɨnx̣a tiičám ku kúuk pamáwšuwanx̣a káˀuyityaw ‘when the earth turns itself over then they get themselves ready for the root feast’
- ana kú ittáwax̣ɨnx̣a čɨ́mti tkʷátat kuna pamáwšuwata káˀuyitay ‘when the new food grows we will get ready for the root feast’
- pamáwšuwaša wɨšx̣ʷáamitay íkʷɨn ‘they are getting ready for moving up to that place’
- kutaš aw kú pamáwšuwata sápsik̓ʷatay mayánašmaaman sɨ́nwit ičiškíin ‘and then we will get ourselves ready for teaching the children to speak in Indian’
- k̓ʷáy áwača paamíin pamáwšuwat ‘that was their getting ready’
- wátana pamáwšuwani ‘we will be readied’
- wɨšwɨšúwa ‘be ready to move’
- wɨšúwatnaq̓i ‘finish readying’.
See more:
[NP /wyáwwan/
/wswyáwwan/ ‘get ready for travel’.]