
Throw, toss, discard, throw away, lose; lie down (with reflexive). iwɨx̣ína ‘he threw it away’; iwɨx̣íin ‘he has thrown it away’; páx̣amnam áwx̣ita ánačan ‘five times you will throw them towards the back’; iwx̣ína ku iwiláalakʷa ‘he put it down and left it’; ana kú tiičámnɨm išaláwita ƛ̓áax̣ʷ tunx̣túnx̣ iwíkuta kuna iwɨx̣íta ‘when the land will tire of us it will do all different things and throw us off’ (spoken prophetically); pawx̣ínx̣ana wáwnakʷšašna kʷná ‘they place the body there’; ku kʷná pináwx̣ina ‘and she lay down there’; ku kʷná pináwx̣ina čikúuk ‘and there it lies today’; páyšnaš áwx̣ita ílukasna kunam kʷáan wínata ‘maybe I’ll toss the stick and you will go away’; watx̣ɨ́nam pináwx̣ita ‘are you going to lie down?’; ku kʷná pináwx̣ina ku inč̓úna ‘and there she laid down and went to sleep’; áwnaš pináwx̣iša ‘now I am lying down’; pináwx̣iin ‘he has lain down’; pináwx̣ink ‘lie down!’; ku kʷná pináwx̣inx̣a čikúuk ‘and today they lie there’; X̣ʷaamayáyin miyánašma pášapawx̣ina kʷaaná tílaakina ‘Eagle made that woman lose her children’; Spilyáyin čáw hátina páwx̣ina čɨ́ni ‘Coyote didn’t throw any Donnell’s desert parsley on this side (on the Oregon side)’; ku kʷná pináwx̣inx̣a čikúuk ‘and there it is lain today’; láwx̣in ‘leisurely lie’; qáwqin ‘fall, fall down’; wapáwx̣in ‘release, let go’; wiláwɨx̣ič ‘blow down’; wɨx̣ínš ‘abalone’. [NP /wqín/.]