Bark (of dog). iwahwákna k̓usik̓úsi ‘the dog barked’; iwahwákšaaš ‘he is barking at me’; k̓usik̓úsinɨmnaš iwahwákšana ‘a dog was barking at me’. Also wakwákn. [WS wahwáhk; NP /wehn/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Bark (of dog). iwahwákna k̓usik̓úsi ‘the dog barked’; iwahwákšaaš ‘he is barking at me’; k̓usik̓úsinɨmnaš iwahwákšana ‘a dog was barking at me’. Also wakwákn. [WS wahwáhk; NP /wehn/.]