Release, let go. Sometimes pronounced wapáx̣ʷin. wapáwx̣išaaš sɨ́nwit ‘I am letting my words go’; iwapáwx̣ita patún ‘he is going to give things away’; kuš áw ƛ̓áax̣ʷ áwapawx̣iša kʷaaná ‘and now I am letting that all go’; ana kú ix̣nɨ́mˀuyix̣a pt̓ínic ku kúuk iwapáwx̣inx̣a pɨnmíin kápɨn ku wápas ku x̣nít ku ana tún itáatpasišana ku ƛ̓áax̣ʷ iwapáwx̣inx̣a ‘when the girl first digs then she gives away her digging stick and bag and roots and whatever she was wearing and all she gives away’; ana kú patɨ́x̣ˀuyix̣a ku kúuk pawapáwx̣inx̣a ana tún twínpaš x̣apiłmí ku tiliwalx̣íma táatpas ku tílatat ku wɨłq̓ám ‘when they make their first shooting then they give away whatever, rifle, knife, and bloody clothes, pants and shoes’; ana tún iwapáwx̣ita pɨnmíin tkʷaynptpamá ‘whatever things he will give away pertaining to his hunting’; ku kúuk patáwapawx̣ina kʷaaná pt̓íisaan ‘and then they let that girl go’; ku kúušx̣i twínpaš iwapáwx̣ita ‘and in the same way he will give away his rifle’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷnam k̓ʷapɨ́n wapáwx̣ita kúušx̣i twínpaš ku kúušx̣i x̣apiłmí ‘you should get rid of all the aforementioned such as your rifle and knife’; pawapáwx̣inx̣a paamíin kápɨn ku x̣nít ana tún ‘they do their first digging and they get rid of their digger and roots, etc.’; múnam wapáwx̣ita anam tún pinátaatpasixana ‘when you let go whatever you would clothe yourself (with)’; iwapáwx̣ita ana tún áwa pɨnmíin kʷná waníčtpa ‘he will release something he has on that name’; ku kʷná patáwapawx̣inx̣a kʷáaman xúlxulmaaman ‘and there they release those fish’; qáwapawx̣in ‘lose’. [NP /wepewqin/ ~ /wepéwqin/.]