Left, left side. nɨwítkni pawá awínšma ku pawá tílaakima wákacalkni ana kú paˀášɨnx̣a k̓ʷáalkyaw ‘the men are on the right and the women are on the left when they go in the longhouse’; ku awínšma pawɨ́šayčɨnx̣ana nawítkni ku tílaakima wáqacalkni ‘and the men would stay on the right and the woman on the left’; waqacálkan wiyásklikɨnk ‘turn toward the left!’; tílaakima wákacalkni ‘women on the left’; wáqacal apáp ‘left hand’; waqacalknipamá apáp ‘left hand’; nɨwítkan ku wáqacalkan ‘toward the right and toward the left’. [Y wákacal; NP /c´ky̓ak/, /wépsiley/.]