Whistle. ixʷíitna k̓úsina ‘he whistled to the horse’; wawúkya ixʷíitša ‘the elk is whistling’; páxʷiitnawana ‘he whistled at her’. [K kʷíikʷi (Jacobs 1929:215:7–9); Y kʷíikʷ; NP /wawyoxt´m/.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Whistle. ixʷíitna k̓úsina ‘he whistled to the horse’; wawúkya ixʷíitša ‘the elk is whistling’; páxʷiitnawana ‘he whistled at her’. [K kʷíikʷi (Jacobs 1929:215:7–9); Y kʷíikʷ; NP /wawyoxt´m/.]