Unripe, raw. x̣ápił iwá tmaanít ‘the apple is green’; x̣ápił iwá nɨkʷɨ́t ‘the meat is raw’; x̣apiłmí ‘knife’. [WS & Y płx̣ú ‘fresh, raw’ (of fruit, vegetables); NP himísl /himsl(i)/; cf. perhaps also qepís /qp´s/ ‘strongly, loudly’.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Unripe, raw. x̣ápił iwá tmaanít ‘the apple is green’; x̣ápił iwá nɨkʷɨ́t ‘the meat is raw’; x̣apiłmí ‘knife’. [WS & Y płx̣ú ‘fresh, raw’ (of fruit, vegetables); NP himísl /himsl(i)/; cf. perhaps also qepís /qp´s/ ‘strongly, loudly’.]