
Dig roots. ix̣níša x̣áwšna ‘she is digging cous’; ix̣níša x̣máašna ‘she is digging camas’; kunam áx̣nita kunam áwilax̣yawita ‘and you will dig it and dry it’; pax̣níšana x̣áwšna níčtay ‘they were digging the cous to store away’; pax̣níx̣ana x̣áwšna ‘they used to dig cous’; pax̣níx̣ana ana tún iwačá tanán tkʷátat ‘they would dig anything that was the Indian food’; ánakwinax̣aaš kutaš x̣níx̣a ‘I take them and we dig’; ana pmáy pawínax̣a ku pax̣níx̣a pawɨ́npɨnx̣a latítlatitna ‘they who go and dig getting the celery’; pax̣níx̣ana ana tún iwačá tanán tkʷátat ‘they used to dig whatever was the Indian food’; čáwnam mún anam kú áx̣niša kunam átkʷatata ‘never when you are digging them should you eat them’; ana tún páx̣niyayiša ‘whatever of theirs he is digging’; kutaš kʷná ášapax̣nišana x̣áwš ‘and there we were having them dig cous’; at̓úk iwá x̣nít pyax̣ína ‘it is hard to dig bitterroot’; níix̣ iwá katkaatmaamíyay pyax̣í x̣nítay ‘it is good for boys to dig bitterroot’; x̣níyi iwačá x̣máaš ‘the camas was dug’; x̣nínaq̓i ‘finish digging’; x̣níta ‘go digging’; x̣nítat̓a ‘want to dig’; x̣nítwi ‘return from digging’. [NP /qˀni/.]