Take down. čáx̣ičanwitanam nɨkʷɨ́t tiyaycáwaskni ‘you should take your meat down from the rack’; kɨ́tu čáx̣ičanwitatk táatpas it̓úx̣t̓ux̣tax̣na ‘hurry go take your clothes down from the line it might rain’.
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Take down. čáx̣ičanwitanam nɨkʷɨ́t tiyaycáwaskni ‘you should take your meat down from the rack’; kɨ́tu čáx̣ičanwitatk táatpas it̓úx̣t̓ux̣tax̣na ‘hurry go take your clothes down from the line it might rain’.