Where? wherever, somewhere, anywhere.
Locative case.
- mɨnánam wá ‘where are you?’;
- mɨnánam áq̓inušana ‘where did you see them?’;
- mɨná šín ipáx̣ʷišana tún ‘where was anyone stealing anything?’;
- pawáta kʷná x̣ʷáami mɨná ‘they will be somewhere high up’;
- kʷɨ́nki čáw miyánašma pawačá mɨná ‘because of that there were no children anywhere’;
- ana k̓ʷapɨ́n mɨná iyáx̣ɨnx̣ana ‘the aforementioned which he would find somewhere’;
- kúuš iwá ƛ̓áax̣ʷpa mɨná ‘thusly they are in every place’;
- k̓ʷáytaš wá naamí tkʷátat ana mɨná ittáwax̣ša ‘that is our food wherever it is growing’;
- mɨnánkninam átq̓ix̣ša ‘which one do you want?’;
- ƛ̓áax̣ʷpa mɨná ‘everywhere’;
- čáw mɨná ‘nowhere’.
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[NE also mám; NW mɨnán; NP /m´ne/.]