



  1. kuna wá náma tanánma ‘and we are Indians’;
  2. kʷnáataš kú ttáwax̣na ƛ̓áax̣ʷ náma ‘there then we all grew up’;
  3. ana kú náma čáw wáta čná ‘when we will not be here’;
  4. ana k̓ʷapɨ́n čáw náma šúkʷaša čikúuk ‘that which we don’t know today’;
  5. kunata kúušx̣i námac̓a kʷná sápsik̓ʷata naamí miyánašma čná ‘and indeed just like there we will teach our children here’;

See more:

Sometimes pronounced nɨ́ma.

lamaksá ‘we alone’;

námač̓a ‘we also’;

lamaksásɨmk̓a ‘we alone only next’;

namanák ‘both of us’;

námasɨm ‘we only’;

námax̣i ‘we similarly’;

námax̣uš ‘we first’.

=na ‘we, us, ours, our’ (inclusive)

=nataš ‘we, us, ours, our’ (exclusive)

Pronoun chart

[WS naamáy; NW namák; NP /núun/ < /newen/ < /nemen/ (exclusive); /kíye/ (inclusive).]