Anything else. anatúntya wápas paˀaníx̣ana ‘any other bags they used to make’; ku anatúntya áw paˀanitát̓ax̣ana ‘and anything else then they would want to make’.
111 terms are pronouns
The aforementioned. Reduced form of k̓ʷapɨ́n.
Also, too. Palatalized version of =k̓a. čáwš ínč̓a šúkaša ‘I don’t know either’; níix̣maš imanáyč̓a šúkʷaan ‘good I have met you also’; áwtyanam ímč̓a wáta x̣nít ‘now you’re also going to be a root’; ímč̓a wáawat̓ak súsut ‘also send a wire!’; aw kú pɨ́nč̓a itkʷátax̣ana c̓íc̓kna ku čáw ikúułna ‘then he also would eat the grass and not get satisfied’; ínč̓a ‘I also’; ímč̓a ‘you too’; pɨ́nč̓a ‘he too’; námač̓a ‘we also’; ánč̓a ‘again’. [NP /=k̓e/.]
Emphatic. Frozen in ín ‘I’; ím ‘you’; íčɨn ‘to this’; íkʷɨn ‘to that’; ímɨn ‘where to?’; ičiškíin ‘in this language’. Largely productive in NW: čáwnaš átq̓ix̣ša ikuunák áyatnan ‘I do not want that exact woman’ (Jacobs 1929:224:8); cf. kuunák Spilyáy itk̓ína ‘Coyote watched that’ (Jacobs 1929:230:14). [NP /ˀí-/ with 1st person, /ˀi-/ with 2nd and 3rd person and interrogative pronouns.]
Adjunct that occurs only in the CR dialects. Occurs after a (where it is orthographically -y) in Umatilla: pmáy ‘they’; k̓ʷáy ‘that’; naamanáy ‘us’; imanáy ‘you (acc.)’; paanáy ‘him/her/it’; piinamanáy ‘them two’; etc. Also occurs in WS after nominative personal pronouns: íni ‘I’; ími ‘you’; pɨ́ni ‘he/she/ it’; náamay ‘we’; etc. The N dialects variously have instead -k, thus NW: ínk ‘I’; ímk ‘you’; pɨ́nk ‘he/she/it’; namák ‘we’; etc. [Cf. NP /-i/ in /ˀipí/ ‘he, she, it’; Klamath i in ni ‘I’; mi ‘yours’; bi ‘he, she, it’.]
Ablative case. čɨ́ni ‘from this, from here’; kʷɨ́ni ‘from that, from there’; mɨ́ni ‘from where? whence?’. See also -kni. [N -ik; NP /-ik/.]
You. Nominative singular. ímnam walptáykta ímnam sɨ́nwita ‘you will sing, you will speak’; anam ím pátamanwiya čná tiičámpa ‘you who ordained me in this land’; kúušnam ím panáytimta ‘thusly you will come up’; watx̣ɨ́nam ímč̓a tq̓íx̣ša ‘do you want [some] too?’; kunam ímx̣i pánaknuwimta imikíin hawláaki apápki ‘and similarly you will keep me with your heavenly hand’; ímč̓a ‘you too’; imksá ‘you alone’; ímsɨm ‘you only’; ímx̣i ‘you similarly’; ímx̣uš ‘you first’. [WS ími; NW ímk; NP /ˀim/; cf. Klamath mi ‘yours’ (Barker 1963b:32).]
You. Accusative plural. imaamanáymaš níta ‘I will give it to you’; imaamanáypam ɨ́nna ‘he told all of you’; imaamanáyč̓a ‘you also’; imaamalaksá ‘you alone’; imaamanáysɨm ‘only you’; imaamanáyx̣i ‘you similarly’; imaamanáyx̣uš ‘you first’. [NE imaamaná(k); NW imamanák; NP /ˀimuuné/; /ˀétk/.]
Yours, your. Genitive plural. čáwpam mún láakta imaamíin sɨ́nwit ‘you should never forget your language’; kumataš wáta yaˀáw imaamíin px̣ʷí ‘and your minds will be offended’; čáwmataš wá túna imaamíin čná wíkutay ‘you don’t have anything to do here’; ƛ̓áax̣ʷ amataš imaamíin wačá náymu ‘all of you who were his relative’; imaamíinmaš čí wá ‘this is yours’; pasɨ́nwišana imaamikíin ‘they were talking about you folks’; watx̣ɨ́n pawačá imaamípa ‘were they at your place?’; imaamipáyn níčɨnk ‘put it in yours’; imaamikíin ƛ̓áax̣ʷ isɨ́nwiya ‘he spoke all about you’; imaamipáyn tɨmnápa ‘in your hearts’; imaamiláyk̓ay ‘for you all’; imaamíč̓a ‘yours also’; imaamiksá ‘yours alone’; imaamísɨm ‘yours only’; imaamíinx̣i ‘yours similarly’; imaamíinx̣uš ‘yours first’. [NW imamínk; NP /ˀimém/ ‘yours (pl.), theirs’; /ˀétk/.]
You. Accusative singular. k̓ʷałámaš imanáy šúkʷaan ‘glad I have met you’; ačamaš kú kʷyáamša imanáy ‘because I believe you’; itímayišanam imanáy ‘he is marking yours’; kunam ƛ̓áax̣ʷ išúkʷayišamš imanáy łk̓ʷí wáwtukt ‘and he knows all your days’; paˀaníyayiyanam imanáy ‘they made it for you’; níix̣maš imanáyč̓a šúkʷaan ‘good I have met you also’; imalaksá ‘you alone’; imanáysɨm ‘you only’; imanáyx̣i ‘you similarly’; imanáyx̣uš ‘you first’. [NE imaná(k); NW imanák; NP /ˀimené/; /ˀé/.]
You. Nominative plural. apam imáy łq̓íwišana inmíki wɨšaaníktki ‘you who were playing with my treasure’; apam wá imáy čná aníyi wiyáwat̓i ‘you who are made leaders here’; pƛɨ́kpam wáta imáyč̓a ‘you [bitterroots] will also be bitter’; imaksá ‘you alone’; imáysɨm ‘you only’; imáyx̣i ‘you similarly’; imáyx̣uš ‘you first’. [NE imá; NW imák; NP ˀimé /ˀim-mé/; /ˀétk/.]
Yours, your. Genitive singular. kumaš čáw wá imíin ‘and it is not yours’; amaš šín wačá imíin tíla ‘whoever was your grandfather’; amaš kúušx̣i wáta imíin tún kumaš wáta átaw ‘in the same way that you have something and it is valuable to you’; wát̓inam wášata kumaš wáta imíin ‘you will ride ahead and he’ll be yours’; áq̓inušanaaš imíina ɨsx̣ɨ́pna ‘I saw your younger brother’; iq̓inušanaaš imíinɨm áycnɨm ‘your younger sister saw me’; imíin tamánwit ‘your law’; imíin x̣túwit ‘your power’; kunamta kʷná wiyánax̣tita imikíin qqaanáytki ‘and there along the way you will cry about your work’; kutyaš aw kú átx̣unx̣a imikíin ‘but then I worry about you’; imiláyk̓aymaš wá ‘it’s for you’; átamaynačtanam tkʷátatna imiyawáy wáwnakʷšašyaw áwtnina ‘you will put the tabooed food into your body’; imikníin iwáynana x̣ʷayamá ‘the eagle flew away from you’; pawačá imipáyn ‘they were at your place’; imipáyn wiyanínpa ‘in your travels’; imíinč̓a ‘you two also’; imiksá ‘you two alone’; imíisɨm ‘only you two’; imíinx̣i ‘yours similarly’; imíinx̣uš ‘you two first’. [NW imínk; NP /ˀim´m/; /ˀé/.]
You two. Accusative dual. imiinamanáymataš níta ‘I will give it to you two’; imiinamanáyč̓a ‘you two also’; imiilamalaksá ‘you two alone’; imiinamanáysɨm ‘only you two’; imiinamanáyx̣i ‘you similarly’; imiinamanáyx̣uš ‘you two first’. [NE imiinamaná(k); NW imiininák.]
Yours, your, of you two. Genitive dual. Also imiinamíin. imiinamímaš wá k̓úsi ‘the horse belongs to you two’; iwáynana imiinamikníin ‘it flew away from you two’; imiinamikaní iwáynana ‘it flew toward you two’; imiinamiyawáy iwáynana ‘it flew to you two’; imiinamipáyn iwá ‘it’s at you two’s place’; imiinamikíin isɨ́nwiya ‘he talked about you two’; imiinamíč̓a ‘yours too’; imiilamiksá ‘yours alone’; imiinamísɨm ‘yours only’; imiinamísɨm ‘yours similarly’; imiinamíx̣uš ‘yours first’. [WS iminamín; NW imiinanmí.]
You two. Nominative dual. imiinípam wínaša ‘you two are going’; imiiní wínatk ‘you two go!’; imiiníč̓a ‘you two also’; imiiliksá ‘you two alone’; imiinísɨm ‘only you two’; imiiníx̣i ‘you two similarly’; imiiníx̣uš ‘you two first’. [NW imiiník.]
You indeed. imníinam kúta ‘you should do it yourself’. [NP ˀimníx.]
Me. Also ináy. (Bruce Rigsby: “Vera [Jones] had only the ináy form; ína was Walla Walla.”) áwnaš ičáx̣ɨlpayišamš ína pčɨ́š ‘he is opening the door for me now’; paníyaaš x̣ax̣áykʷ ína ‘they gave me the money’; kunam čáw pášukʷayiša ína sɨ́nwit ‘and you do not know my words’. [NW inák; NP /ˀíne/.]
Me. Accusative singular. Also ína. ilayksáas iníya ‘he gave it to me alone’; táymušapam ináy ‘you are telling me the news’; ináyč̓a ‘me too’; ináysɨm ‘me only’; ináyx̣i ‘me similarly’; ináyx̣uš ‘me first’. [NE ína; NW inák; NP /ˀíne/.]
I indeed, I myself. iníinaš kušána čáwš šínɨm iwapáatana ‘I was doing it myself, nobody helped me’. [NP ˀinníx.]
Mine, my. Genitive singular. wášnaš inmí ‘it is mine’; čáwš átq̓ix̣ša patún inmíyay ‘I don’t want things for myself’; inmíyawx̣inam išapáwinama kałáp ‘your grandmother sent you to me’; pawínana inmíkan ‘they went toward my place’; aƛ̓áwišamaš ƛ̓áax̣ʷki inmíki tɨmnáki ‘I am asking you with my whole heart’; iwá nč̓í inmíyaw ‘he is bigger than I’; áw míimi áw pápawalsaykɨnx̣ana inmíma nč̓ínč̓ima ‘long ago now my elders would tell one another stories’; inmíyaysɨm ‘for me only’; inmíč̓a ‘mine too’; ilmiksá ‘mine alone’; inmísɨm ‘only mine’; inmíx̣i ‘mine similarly’; inmíx̣uš ‘mine first’. With case concord: k̓ʷáynaš kúuš itɨmnanáx̣nawax̣ana inmínɨm káłanɨm ‘my grandmother used to tell me stories like that’; áykɨnx̣anaaš inmína káłaan ‘I used to hear my grandmother’; áwɨnaaš inmína miyánašna ‘I told my child’; k̓ʷáyš kúuš áwɨnx̣a inmímaaman miyánašmaaman ‘that’s what I tell my children’; k̓ʷáyš kʷɨ́ł áykɨnx̣ana inmímaaman nč̓ínč̓imaaman sɨ́nwityaw ‘that much I used to hear my elders speak’; inmíkni tilamíkni pawačá kʷamɨ́łman ‘on my grandfather’s side were how many?’; kuš átx̣unx̣a inmíki pitx̣míki ‘and I worry about my uncle’. [K often nɨmí; NP ˀíinim /ˀín-nm/ (exclusive); /kíye/ (inclusive).]