
House, building. kupam wiyánawita níityaw kupam sɨ́nwita tanánki ‘and you will come home and speak in Indian’; áq̓inunx̣apam k̓ʷáalkpa níitpa ‘you see them in the long house’; ku iwɨ́šayča níitpa kʷáalisɨm ‘and he stayed in the house always’ níitpa iwačá kʷáalisim ‘he was always in the house’; mɨnámaš wá níit ‘where is your house?’; k̓ʷáalk paˀaníx̣ana níit ‘they would make their long house’;čuušpamá níit ‘pump house’; ničtpamá níit ‘storage shed’; skuulitpamá níit ‘school house’; k̓ʷáalk níit ‘long house’; tk̓unmí k̓ʷáak níit ‘tule longhouse’; alxayxmí níit ‘ring around the moon’; níitniit ‘houses’. [N ɨníit; NP /ˀníit/.]