
Be situated, stand, sit. Individuative inanimate subject. ipátun ‘it is sitting there’; ipátun lɨ́xs ɨštɨ́š ‘a cactus is sitting there’; ápatun twínpas ‘his gun is sitting there’; ku kʷníin íšatkni ana kʷná áx̣ʷay ápatun paamíin níit ‘and on that side where their house is still standing’; ipátuna pšwá ‘the rock was sitting there’; ipátuša ‘it is sitting there’; ipátušata pšwá ‘the rock will be sitting there’; ipátunx̣ana ‘it used to sit there’; ipátutax̣na pšwá ‘the rock could sit there’; pátu ‘snow capped mountain’. For distributive see ptún; for irregular conjugation see tún ‘be situated’. [NP /ˀpétun/.]