
Root bag, big bag woven from dogbane (taxʷɨ́s) or cornhusk where dried roots are stored, larger bag for dumping contents of smaller bags into., cornhusk bag. ipák̓ukša x̣áwšna psatat̓áwaspa ‘she is jigging down the cous in the bag’; paˀaníx̣ana psatat̓áwas calutimat̓áwaski ‘they would make their cornhusk bags with cornhusk’; kúušx̣i tkʷátat psatat̓áwaspa wáapšatax̣ana ‘in the same way one would put food in a large bag’; k̓ʷáy áwača pšatat̓áwas ana kʷná panaknúwix̣ana ƛ̓áax̣ʷ paamíin tkʷátat x̣yáw ‘that was their bag where they used to keep all their dry food’. Also called ánpš. See also x̣ɨ́pa. [NE pšatatpamá; PR lɨtáyltay; NP /t´x̣cik̓ay/.]