Be mischievous, be stubborn. iq̓ʷšɨ́mša ku čáw ikutát̓aša ‘he is stubborn and doesn’t want to do anything’; tuyáynam q̓ʷsɨ́mša ím ‘why are you mischievous?’. [NP /peˀtuqéˀswi/; cf. NP /q̓ʷs´simn/ ‘insist’.]
Language Program · Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Be mischievous, be stubborn. iq̓ʷšɨ́mša ku čáw ikutát̓aša ‘he is stubborn and doesn’t want to do anything’; tuyáynam q̓ʷsɨ́mša ím ‘why are you mischievous?’. [NP /peˀtuqéˀswi/; cf. NP /q̓ʷs´simn/ ‘insist’.]